29 Mar 2023

Serving our local community in Parliament has been the greatest honour of my life.

When it comes to elections, the people always get it right and it is with humility and honour that I look forward to continuing to work hard and get results for the people of our community as the local Member for Kiama.

I want to thank the people of our community for putting their faith and trust in me for the fourth time.

Thank you to the hundreds of people who worked on my campaign and backed me all the way.

To those who didn’t vote for me for whatever reason, I respect your decision and I am here to serve those who voted for me and those who didn’t.

I want to acknowledge the other candidates who contested this election. I want to particularly acknowledge Labor’s candidate Katelin McInerney who I found to be incredibly decent, dedicated and hard working. She deserves every accolade for her efforts in this contest and she can be proud of the results she achieved on Election Day. 

This election victory may have seemed impossible to some. I received no preferences from any party and I was deeply disappointed with the smear campaign by Unions NSW. I dare say many decent union members would be disgusted if they knew how their union fees were being spent.

Finally, I want to thank my family who have supported and encouraged me all the way. In particular, my mum Margaret put in an incredible effort and I certainly wouldn’t be celebrating this win without her efforts.