The draft Native Vegetation Regulatory (NVR) map of NSW is a tool landholders can use when considering how best to manage native vegetation on their land.
The above website includes clear links for landholders to view their part of the map in detail, with explanations of categories.
The website also has a clear link to how a landholder can request either a free category explanation or a map review. (Request a free map review | NSW Environment and Heritage)
More information can be found in the factsheet.
Please note that there is no time limit to requesting a map review or category explanation – they’ll be available at any time, even after the final map is published.
The map is intended as a ‘living’ document to be regularly updated – to reflect that there are land use changes over time. So there is no rush for landholders to seek a review if they wish to.
It is relevant to note that for the release of stages 1-4, a small number of landholders requested a review.
The Map Review Team can also be called on: 1800 001 490 or emailed: [email protected]