Member for Kiama Gareth Ward and Deputy Shellharbour City Mayor Kellie Marsh have announced that their fight to bust traffic congestion in Albion Park has received a major boost with the pair confirming that they have been successful in securing $16.6 million from the NSW Government.

The funding comes from the NSW Department of Planning’s Accelerated Infrastructure Fund.

“When I make a promise to our community, I always get it done. When I announced the Albion Park Rail Bypass, so many said it would never happen. But we did it. And we’ll deliver the Tripoli Way Bypass too.

“I went into politics to get things done. This grant will help Shellharbour City Council get on with the job of delivering something that so many locals have wanted for far too long. This is a really special day.

“This funding comes on top of the $4.2 million I secured for planning, property acquisition and design to help council deliver this local road project.

“I don’t need an election to get things done; I just get on with it.

“I want to thank my friend and local Councillor Kellie Marsh for being an absolute champion of this project. We’ve worked together and yet again, we’ve delivered.

Councillor Kellie Marsh welcomed the investment.

“I’m absolutely elated. As a local, I get stuck in traffic every day. I’ve been fighting for this funding for years and this announcement will help make this project a reality.

“It was only a few days ago that Labor voted against funding this project on the floor of council. They have no credibility when it comes to delivering local infrastructure or getting things done for Albion Park.

“I want to thank our local State MP Gareth Ward. We have both been absolutely strident in our fight to secure funding and today our community can celebrate some very good news.

“In spite of the rain, we now have more than $16 million reasons to celebrate,” Cr Marsh said.