Parliamentary Secretary for the Illawarra Gareth Ward MP has today slammed NSW Labor for failing to match the NSW Government’s commitment to Shellharbour Hospital.
With an election less than 10 weeks away, Mr Ward said it was time for the local, lazy, Labor Opposition to put up or shut up.
“I’m giving Labor till the end of the week to match our commitment to Shellharbour Hospital. Residents in the southern Illawarra have every right to know the truth about where Labor actually stands,” Mr Ward said.
“At the last election, Labor committed just $30 million – 12% of our commitment. They have made no further comment since that time. The people of the southern Illawarra deserve better than just $30 million.
“Labor must stop treating Shellharbour, Wollongong and Keira like safe Labor seats. They continue to talk a big game in the Illawarra, but they fail to make any hard commitments and believable promises.
“If the Labor candidate for Shellharbour can’t secure an election promise in Opposition, how will she ever deliver for Shellharbour in Government?
“Labor failed to match our $106 million upgrade of Wollongong Hospital, and the Shadow Treasurer has failed to pull his own purse-strings to match our commitment to upgrade Bulli Hospital. Labor failed to match our commitment to double parking at Wollongong Hospital and increase parking at Shoalhaven Hospital.
“Just like their rail “plan” Illawarra Labor love a good press conference, they love to talk – not so good when it comes to any real action.
“Labor simply can’t be trusted to invest in the future of our local hospitals. They cut services when they were last in Government and they have failed to match our commitments in Opposition. It’s just not good enough,” Mr Ward said.