Independent Member for Kiama Gareth Ward MP has tabled a Question on Notice in NSW Parliament to the NSW Minister for Local Government in relation to Shoalhaven City Council’s engagement of Bioelektra to manage its waste contract.
Mr Ward placed his questions on notice in the wake of the news that Bioelektra is entering voluntary administration.
Mr Ward has asked the Minister to appoint an independent third party to undertake a full investigation.
“A waste management contract is the largest contract a council will ever enter. The news that Bioelektra is entering voluntary administration could have serious consequences and I want to ensure that the interests of locals are protected. As a local ratepayer myself, I am deeply concerned,” Mr Ward said.
“I have never understood why council pursued technology and systems that weren’t supported by the independent Environmental Protection Agency. In spite of best practice guidelines, Shoalhaven City Council has chosen to ignore advice and take a different path.
“In fact, these matters steam back to my time on Council. I always supported a green bin but in 6-7 vote, a majority of Councillors wanted to pursue other technology.
“Every other neighbouring council understands that source separation at the household level is the best form of waste management. I have never understood why council has ignored best practice and conventional advice. They have even ignored local contractors in order to introduce eastern European technology.
“I strongly believe that the Minister for Local Government must appoint an independent third party to properly undertake a full and comprehensive investigation and then report back with its findings and recommendations.
“I also believe that the Minister should consider requiring all Municipal waste contractors to report any voluntary administration to his agency in the future,” Mr Ward concluded.
Click here to download my Question on Notice to the NSW Minister for Local Government.