Member for Kiama Gareth Ward has revealed that 13 NSW Labor Government MPs are getting paid an additional $34,515 each – a total of almost half a million taxpayer dollars - without any defined roles or responsibilities to justify the pay bump.
“These 13 MPs are getting paid a total of $207,000 each but the Premier can’t say or won’t say what they actually do. This is just yet another example of jobs for the boys in order to satisfy the Premier’s internal critics and waring Labor factions,” Mr Ward said.
“If the Premier insists on cashing-up his political allies, he should be transparent with taxpayers about the justification for it.
“If Premier had confidence in each of his 13 Parliamentary Secretaries, why not be open and transparent about what their roles involve?
“Thank goodness this lot aren’t on performance-based pay! The taxpayer would be due a very hefty rebate!
“Parliamentary Secretaries should have charter letters and responsibilities to justify extra cash. These positions are not sinecures to be dished out to the Premier’s loose confederation of waring factional tribes,” Mr Ward concluded.
MEDIA: Kiama Electorate Office (02) 4232 1082