Member for Kiama Gareth Ward MP has today welcomed the NSW Government’s ‘Let’s Do This’ advertising campaign which is expanding to encourage everyone 16 years and older to get their COVID-19 booster shot.
Mr Ward said that the updated campaign will reinforce the importance of getting a COVID-19 booster to reduce the risk of severe illness and to help protect communities.
“This campaign celebrates the resilience and strength of the NSW community and encourages everyone aged 16 years and older to get their booster shot three months after their second dose,” he said.
“NSW has one of highest vaccination rates in the world, but ensuring everyone gets their booster is key to strengthening our protection against variants like Omicron, keeping people safe and enjoying more of the things we love.
“It has never been easier to get a COVID-19 vaccine. So go out, get that third shot as soon as you are eligible and protect yourself, your family and your friends.”
Mr Ward reminded people of the importance of a booster, regardless of whether they’ve had the virus.
“The fact that you have had COVID-19 doesn’t necessarily mean you can can’t get it again and the next time you may end up in ICU or worse,” he said.
“To be fully vaccinated and have the best protection possible go and get the booster four to six weeks after recovering from the virus,” Mr Ward said.
The multi-channel advertising campaign will run in addition to existing COVID safety campaigns, starting from 6 February across print, television, radio, outdoor, digital and social media.
Vaccinations can be booked by visiting or calling the COVID-19 helpline on 1800 020 080 for assistance.
To make a COVID-19 vaccination booking, please go to: