Today I received advice that Kiama Municipal Council has 14 days to respond to a Notice of Intention to issue Performance Improvement Orders from the NSW Minister for Local Government.
This is a very serious step and it could trigger a range of future actions.
Ratepayers deserve to have confidence in the administration of their local Council.
The current CEO and Mayor have, in my opinion, been working very hard to correct serious financial challenges facing the organisation.
It is critical that Councillors, of all political colours, work together to ensure the future strength and prosperity of the Kiama Municipality. Local residents deserve nothing less.
Local residents deserve the right to elect local people to manage the delivery of important municipal services. Local leaders have obligations to make the right decisions in both the good times and bad.
I know our local Councillors and believe they are people of integrity and committed to our community. However, the future of Kiama Municipal Council is in their hands.
I stand ready to provide any and all possible assistance to Councillors as they collaborate to deliver a strong and sustainable future for Kiama Municipal Council.