06 Jul 2023

I have been advised by Transport for NSW that the Jervis Bay Road Interchange upgrade project has been stopped because the project is now being subjected to a review by the Federal Government.

This project is jointly funded by the NSW Government and the Commonwealth Government. 

Having secured NSW Government funding for this project, I find this decision totally unacceptable.

I've written to the Commonwealth Government seeking clarity on this decision. 

A copy of my letter can be found here. 

The intersection with the Princess Highway and Jervis Bay Road is the busiest intersection on the Princes Highway south of Nowra. Given that early works had commenced, I cannot understand why this project would be subject to a review of this nature. 

Having worked hard to secure billions to upgrade the Princes Highway, I will continue to take this matter up with both the NSW and Commonwealth Governments until we secure a satisfactory outcome. 

I have spent a large part of my life fighting for major infrastructure investments in our region and I won't be stopping now. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this note. If ever I can be of any further assistance, I would be delighted to help in any way I can.


Image: C/o https://www.transport.nsw.gov.au/projects/current-projects/jervis-bay-road-and-princes-highway-intersection