The Parliamentary Secretary for the Illawarra has condemned the Member for Shellharbour for her outrageous behaviour on the floor of the Legislative Assembly last night.
“I would encourage everyone to watch the address by the Member for Shellharbour from beginning to end – I know this request is somewhat out of character,” Mr Ward said. Download the footage here:
“During her Private Members Statement last night, the Member for Shellharbour accused me of openly mocking, ridiculing and intimidating local residents opposed to the Kembla Grange Correctional Centre proposal. The Member accused me of refusing to listen to West Dapto residents. The Member for Shellharbour even accused me of “bullying” residents.
“I call on the Member for Shellharbour to walk onto the floor of the House today and immediately withdraw these highly offensive and inaccurate statements otherwise I will be left with no alternative than to refer her behaviour to the Parliamentary Privileges Committee. Her comments are a total abuse of Parliamentary Privilege – comments I challenge her to repeat outside of the House.
“Unlike the Member for Shellharbour, I attended every single pubic consultation session organisation by Corrections. I have met with local residents and responded to questions put to me.
“If the Member for Shellharbour would turn to some of the social media commentary – it’s clear who is responsible for some of the “bullying” behaviour.
“I look forward to reading the final report from Corrections NSW with respect to the site they have selected for consideration and I also look forward to the unequivocal apology from the Member for Shellharbour,” Mr Ward concluded.