Ward Gives Notice of Parliamentary Debate on Blowhole Point

Member for Kiama Gareth Ward has tabled a Notice of Motion in the NSW Parliament opposing the overdevelopment Blowhole Point.

Mr Ward said the Notice of Motion reflects the strong support he is continuing to receive for his petition opposing the overdevelopment of Blowhole Point and the overdevelopment of villages in our electorate.

“The community have spoken loud and clear – we do not want to see the overdevelopment of Blowhole Point,” Mr Ward said.

“I have been astounded with the number of people who have visited my website or my office to sign our petition and register their strong opposition to the damage the development of Blowhole Point would do.

“Because this is Crown Land and in the ownership of all of the people of our community and our State, I will not allow development that detracts from the natural beauty of this asset that brings hundreds of thousands of people to our community each and every year.

“But the most recent comments bring into focus the concerns of our community in relation to overdevelopment and I have used my Notice of Motion to highlight these concerns.

Mr Ward gave notice of the following motion on the floor of the Legislative Assembly today:

  1. Notes that Kiama Council has released the Tourism Opportunities Plan;
  2. Notes recent public comments that support the removal of cabins and promote the overdevelopment of blowhole point;
  3. Oppose any plan for the overdevelopment of blowhole point;
  4. Recognises the importance of blowhole point as a tourism icon; and
  5. Oppose the overdevelopment of our villages that detract from our natural environment and village character.