Member for Kiama Gareth Ward MP has slammed property owners who have heartlessly insisted on small business paying full rents where businesses have been hit hard by current COVID lockdowns.
“So many local businesses are family-run owner-operators. If landlords are charging full rents for businesses that have demonstrable COVID impacts, this could be the difference between a business remaining open and closing forever,” Mr Ward said.
“I would encourage landlords to be generous at this time. We want businesses to survive the current lockdown. If you are approached by a tenant that can demonstrate a COVID financial impact, rent reductions, deferrals and a conversation about what is mutually agreeable can make all the difference.
“For those landlords with mortgages to pay, banks are open to having a conversation about payment deferrals and changes to mortgage repayment plans. Each landlord will be in the best position to know what options are available to help their tenants.
“It makes no sense to use the cover of COVID to force good tenants out. This is simply not the time to kill off good businesses that can recover.
“Small business is the backbone of our local economy. So many jobs, particularly younger people, rely on the strength of our local small businesses.
“At this time, every dollar counts. I acknowledge that the NSW Government adopted most of recommendations to support small businesses however everyone can play a part at this difficult time,” Mr Ward said.
For more information on small business support, please visit: or please call Service NSW on 13 77 88.