Member for Kiama Gareth Ward has used Parliament to call on the NSW Government to upgrade Cambewarra Public School following a recent mould outbreak that resulted in the closure of school buildings and causing sickness among teachers and students.
“Thousands of homes are being built between Cambewarra and the neighbouring suburb of Badagarang with no new school infrastructure presently planned by the government. Whilst it’s all good and well for the government to talk about ‘growth’ we need community infrastructure to shoulder that growth,” Mr Ward said.
“We recently saw an outbreak of mould at Cambewarra Public School which closed learning spaces and made teachers and students sick. This isn’t good enough and clearly a major upgrade to this school is needed.
“The most recent mould outbreak isn’t the first. Students and staff deserve a healthy and safe workplace.
“I have already launched a petition calling for an upgrade to Cambewarra Public and I thank those that have already signed this petition to send a message to the NSW Government that investing school infrastructure is a priority.
“It shouldn’t matter if it’s roads, schools or hospitals, community-building infrastructure shouldn’t be an afterthought when it’s often more expensive to retrofit and deliver,” Mr Ward concluded.
Mr Ward’s motion in the House today was:
1. Calls on the NSW Government to undertake a major upgrade of Cambewarra Public School.
2. Notes the recent and recurrent prevalence of mould in Cambewarra Public School which resulted in the closure of school buildings.
3. Notes the major increase in housing supply in the northern Shoalhaven and the need for community infrastructure to shoulder this growth.