Member for Kiama Gareth Ward has called on the Regional Roads Minister to “please explain” why the reactivation of a speed camera along Bolong Road that Mr Ward had switched off in government, has been turned back on.

Mr Ward said that this was an outrageous act of blatant revenue raising with the speed camera turned on at the same time as the government has reduced speed on Bolong Road from 60 km/h to 50 km/h without any community consultation.

"This is a disgrace and I call on the Minister to turn this camera off. The fact that the government turned this camera back on at the same time as they dropped the speed limit exposes this government’s rampant revenue raising.

"Right around the State, this government has been cutting speed limits like they've done on Bolong Road, like the Jamberoo Road and on Riverside Drive, but they are not making investments in road safety.

“What’s clear is the governments answer to dangerous roads is simply to lower the speed limit whilst speed may not be the reason for crashes and accidents.

“Reactivating this speed camera without community consultation or proper advertisement has trapped many unwitting commuters at a time when they can least afford these fines.

“In order to send a strong message to this arrogant Sydney centric government I have started a petition which is available here. (https://www.garethwardmp.com.au/bolongspeed)

“I look forward to raising this matter when parliament resumes next month,” Mr Ward concluded.