Member for Kiama Gareth Ward has called on the Minister for Regional Transport and Roads to introduce a six-month subsidised taxi service in Kiama following the earlier closure of such services.
Placing a Question on Notice on the House Papers of Parliament, Mr Ward asked if the Minister had plans to immediately introduce a six-month subsidised taxi service for Kiama.
Noting the Illawarra-Shoalhaven Strategic Regional Integrated Transport Plans (SRITPs) was scheduled to commence mid-2024, Mr Ward also requested a progress report on the SRIPTs and where the community can find updates and information.
Should a trial not be forthcoming, Mr Ward has also asked for the Government to provide a community transport service for the community, particularly for the elderly and disabled.
“What investments in public transport have you made in the Kiama electorate?” asked Mr Ward of the Minister.
“I know we have some great community initiatives such as Driving Miss Daisy and Blue Haven Transport, but these are not public services.
“I have been working closely with Mr Nick Abrahim, CEO, Taxis NSW, and a proposal is on the table.
“The Illawarra Taxi Network provides booked taxi services for the Kiama community, and I would like to see this permanent.
“We shouldn’t need to rely on the Illawarra for these services, or wait for a transport plan, to jump in a cab, Mr Ward concluded.