11 Aug 2024

In the wake of organised crime, firebombings and ram-raids, the Member for Kiama Gareth Ward will be joined by crossbench MPs in seeking a Parliamentary Inquiry into illegal tobacco in NSW.

Mr Ward will move a Notice of Motion in the Legislative Assembly on Tuesday to establish the inquiry.

“It’s everywhere and it’s dangerous. Illegal tobacco is bad for consumers and it’s being used as a weapon in organised crime,” Mr Ward said.

“Just last week, we saw a tobacconist firebombed on the Central Coast linked to the illegal tobacco trade. We can’t allow the tobacco wars that we’re seeing in Victoria and Queensland become a major issue for communities in NSW.

“My view is an inquiry needs to examine the appropriateness of current fines as adequate deterrents and whether the Department of Health is the best agency to enforce the law.

“South Australia has recently moved its enforcement function from SA Health to its equivalent of the Department of Fair Trading which may be better placed to regulate products that risk the welfare of consumers.


“Whilst there is no such thing as a healthy cigarette, my primary concern is that illegal tobacco means consumers aren’t getting a cheaper product, they are getting a totally inferior product.

“If the Government don’t want to support my motion but would prefer one of their own, I would welcome any steps in this regard, subject to seeing the terms of reference for any proposed inquiry,” Mr Ward concluded.