
10 Aug 2018

$3.65 Million for Local Medical Devices

Parliamentary Secretary for the Illawarra Gareth Ward MP has today announced that three local Wollongong based companies have received $3.65 million in NSW Government funding to develop and market a next-generation condom, a device to help those with chronic pain and a unique 3D system for eye repair.       

27 Jul 2018

Getting Local Seniors Back on the Game

Parliamentary Secretary for the Illawarra and South Coast Gareth Ward MP has today announced that more local seniors from across our region are set to hit the courts and sporting fields in the coming months, as a further three sporting codes offer modified rules for players over 65 years of age.

24 Jul 2018

More Support for People Experiencing Personality Disorders

Parliamentary Secretary for the Illawarra and South Coast Gareth Ward MP has today announced that adolescents, adults, and their families and friends are assured continued access to mental health supports for personality disorders, as staff in the Illawarra-Shoalhaven Local Health District are set to receive more training about the condition.

20 Jul 2018

Life Saving Program Opens for Round Two

Parliamentary Secretary for the Illawarra and South Coast Gareth Ward MP has today announced that local sporting clubs across our region are now eligible to apply for the Local Sport Defibrillator Grant Program, with the NSW Government providing life-saving technology to people experiencing cardiac emergencies.

16 Jul 2018

Progress on Blue Haven Bonaira Aged Care Complex

Member for Kiama Gareth Ward MP has today joined with the Mayor of Kiama Mark Honey and CEO of Blue Haven and General Manager of Kiama Municipal Council Mr Kerry McMurray for an on-site progress tour of the $106 million Blue Haven Bonaira aged care complex, which is progressing well.

06 Jul 2018

Mental Health Education for Kiama Youth

Member for Kiama Gareth Ward MP has today announced that more young people in Kiama will learn how to recognise mental health problems and reach out for support if they or their peers need it, thanks to $8,000 funding from the New South Wales Government.