25 Sep 2018

Relief For Local Community Preschools

Parliamentary Secretary for Education Gareth Ward MP today announced that services looking after our State’s littlest learners in the Kiama electorate will have some relief during this tough drought period, with the NSW Government announcing a $3 million package to provide financial support for community preschools in NSW.

19 Sep 2018

Community Encouraged to 'Get Ready' for the Upcoming Bush Fire Season

Parliamentary Secretary for the Illawarra and South Coast Gareth Ward MP today announced that local fire brigades including Jamberoo, Gerringong, Cambewarra, Broughton Vale/Berry and Albion Park brigades will open their doors to the community this weekend to help people be aware and prepare for bush fire risks this summer.

11 Sep 2018

Funding Now Open For Events Across Illawarra and South Coast

Parliamentary Secretary for the Illawarra and South Coast Gareth Ward MP today announced that event organisers across our region holding events between January and June 2019, are being encouraged to apply for the New South Wales Government’s Flagship Event Fund, which is now open.

06 Sep 2018

Free Heavy Vehicle Rego And Further Discounts For Our Farmers

Parliamentary Secretary for the Illawarra and South Coast Gareth Ward MP has today welcomed the announcement farmers in regional NSW will get more cash back in their pockets with rebates and refunds on heavy vehicle registration after the NSW Government changed the way registration charges are calculated for primary producers.