We the undersigned call on Members of the NSW Parliament to vote in favour of the Road Transport Amendment (Driving Through Floodwaters) Bill 2024. Drivers shouldn't deliberately or recklessly drive a motor vehicle on a road covered by floodwaters, this endangers their own life, and the lives of emergency service workers.
Authorities consistently warn against driving through floodwaters and urge the public to heed all safety warnings during flood events, people still do it, which takes critical emergency resources away when people need them most. Royal Life Saving reports that between 2004-05 and 2014-15, 159 drowning deaths were known to have involved flooding across Australia, and half of those deaths resulted from driving through floodwaters. Even driving a vehicle through 15 centimetres of water can cause it to become unstable. The report also states that driving a vehicle through 60 centimetres of water can make a vehicle buoyant with the potential for it to tip over and consequently submerge its occupants.
This bill is about sending a message and a reminder that not all risk comes with return: It could cost you money but, more sadly, it could cost lives.