Planning policy changes improve Port Kembla operations

Parliamentary Secretary for the Illawarra Gareth Ward MP has today announced that a change to the NSW Government planning policy covering land around the State’s three largest ports will enable Port Kembla to operate more efficiently with its day-to-day activities. 

Mr Ward said that the amendments are a real boost for Port Kembla which is an important contributor to the local economy.

“The proposed Three Ports SEPP amendment will ensure Port Kembla runs efficiently in its day to day operations,” he said.

“These changes are a great example of government doing the right thing to support local industry,” Mr Ward said.

The NSW Minister for Planning and Housing, Anthony Roberts, said Port Kembla is recognised as a state significant precinct due to its importance to the NSW economy.

“Port Kembla is a key import and export gateways for the State and ensuring it operates efficiently is integral to protecting and strengthening the State’s economic future and the prosperity and well-being of NSW communities,” Mr Roberts said.

“The amendments will give operators at Port Kembla the ability to undertake certain development activities more efficiently,” he said.

The Department encourages anyone interested in the amendment to review and comment on the proposed changes.

The Explanation of Intended Effect, which outlines the changes, is now on public exhibition for community feedback for six weeks until 1st November 2018.

To make a submission or to view the proposed changes, please visit the website at: