Member for Kiama Gareth Ward has used the first day of Parliament to table two bills which seek to enhance transparency, accountability and integrity in government.
“Last year I sought to introduce two Private Members Bills.
“Today I gave notice to reintroduce a bill that seeks to implement recommendations from the Independent Commission Against Corruption with respect to Ministerial and Parliamentary Secretary diary disclosure. This bill will deliver on recommendations from Operation Eclypse with respect to third party lobbyists.
“The second bill seeks to implement previous recommendations from the Electoral Matters Committee to provide for electronic mark-off at elections and a requirement for a person to show some form of identification when going to vote.
“Given that the NSW Electoral Commission found that more than 2,000 people voted more than twice at the 2019 State Election, this bill is critical to crack down on voter fraud.
“Given that the government with their Greens alliance partners sought to avoid a vote on key transparency measures last year, I will be seeking to commit these matters for a vote as soon as possible,” Mr Ward said.