Member for Kiama Gareth Ward is reminding local residents and community groups across the Kiama electorate that Heart Week (6th-12th May 2024) is Australia’s national heart health awareness week.

Each year during May it provides an opportunity for the Australian public and health professionals to start a conversation about heart health and take positive steps to reduce their heart disease risk. 

“This Heart Week, I am encouraging residents across our region to never miss a beat by speaking to their local GP about a Heart Health Check.


“To complement this, we are urging health professionals to engage their patients about heart health and use the Aus CVD Risk calculator during their next Heart Health Check.

“Heart disease remains Australia’s leading cause of death, with one Australian experiencing a heart attack or stroke every 4 minutes.

“To help combat this devastating statistic we all have an opportunity to place a spotlight on heart health in our workplaces, our homes and start important conversations about heart disease with our families, friends, colleagues and community networks.

“If you are aged 45 and over and do not already have heart disease, it is recommended that you see your doctor for a Medicare-subsidised Heart Health Check.


“In State Parliament, earlier this year, I introduced the Automated External Defibrillators (Public Access) Bill 2024.

“Each year, approximately 3,800 people in New South Wales experience an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, and sadly around 90% are unable to be revived. Studies have shown that the combination of CPR and defibrillation can increase survival rates by up to 70%.

“My bill will mandate defibrillator roll-out to public buildings and on public transport, improve reliability and accessibility of the defibrillator register and promote greater education and community awareness which will make a huge difference,” Mr Ward concluded.

Please click here to read my AED bill.

Please click here to find out more about national Heart Health Awareness Week.