
16 Jul 2018

Progress on Blue Haven Bonaira Aged Care Complex

Member for Kiama Gareth Ward MP has today joined with the Mayor of Kiama Mark Honey and CEO of Blue Haven and General Manager of Kiama Municipal Council Mr Kerry McMurray for an on-site progress tour of the $106 million Blue Haven Bonaira aged care complex, which is progressing well.

09 Jul 2018

Regional Digital Connectivity Program Opens

Parliamentary Secretary for the Illawarra and South Coast Gareth Ward MP has today announced that the NSW Government is seeking Expressions of Interest from companies or internet service providers that have the potential to deliver better connectivity solutions for local businesses and households in regional NSW.

09 Jul 2018

Making the Illawarra and Shoalhaven a safer place to live

Parliamentary Secretary for the Illawarra and South Coast Gareth Ward MP has today announced that local businesses and community groups in the Illawarra, Kiama and Shoalhaven are being encouraged to share their crime prevention ideas and apply for up to $250,000 in NSW Government funding.

06 Jul 2018

Mental Health Education for Kiama Youth

Member for Kiama Gareth Ward MP has today announced that more young people in Kiama will learn how to recognise mental health problems and reach out for support if they or their peers need it, thanks to $8,000 funding from the New South Wales Government.

03 Jul 2018

Nominate the next NSW Woman of the Year

Member for Kiama Gareth Ward MP has today announced that local residents are being encouraged to highlight brilliant women in their community, with nominations now open for the 2019 NSW Women of the Year Awards.