Parliamentary Secretary for the Illawarra Gareth Ward has noted the appointment of Ryan Park as the new Shadow Minister for Infrastructure.
“I wanted to condemn his appointment, but I was too busy laughing,’ Mr Ward said.
“Someone should tell the Shadow Minister that his job isn’t to cancel infrastructure, it’s to build it.
“When Mr Park was last in Government as the Deputy Director General at the Department of Transport, he oversaw the cancelling of the Rozelle Metro project that cost taxpayers more than half a billion dollars.
“Only weeks ago, Mr Park led the charge to cancel the F6 whilst saying he was “talking to people” about a possible rail plan. But no plan has been produced.
“In Parliament, Mr Park voted against funding the Albion Park Rail bypass, the Berry bypass and billions of dollars of infrastructure projects across the State.
“Mr Park is yet to say a word on the Fix it Now campaign and match the commitments made by Shelley Hancock and myself.
“Ryan Park continues to repeat the mantra of “hospitals and schools before stadia”. But the only commitment Labor has made to our region is to upgrade the Wollongong Entertainment Centre. At the same time, Labor has failed to match the $434 Million upgrade of Shoalhaven Hospital and the purchase of the Shoalhaven Anglican School site.
“After saying he opposed hospital public private partnerships, in Parliament just last week he tried to take the credit for the Bulli Hospital upgrade by saying he was “delivering” from Opposition!
“This was the bloke that condemned the Government for not using BlueScope steel in our new intercity fleet but didn’t understand that the new trains aren’t made from steel – they’re made from aluminium.
“The appointment of Ryan Park has Shadow Infrastructure Minister is a clear indication that Labor has no plan for State Infrastructure.
“If the Opposition Leader wanted to cancel infrastructure projects and park any infrastructure agenda, Ryan is the right man for the job!” Mr Ward concluded.