Have Your Say On The New Vision For Illawarra And Shoalhaven

Member for Kiama Gareth Ward MP has today announced that a new vision that celebrates the stunning, natural scenery of the Illawarra Shoalhaven hinterland, while providing room for the region to grow is now on exhibition.

The updated draft Illawarra Shoalhaven Regional Plan 2041 includes a strategy for Metro Wollongong Health Precinct, a hydrogen hub at Port Kembla, and earmarks West Lake, Nowra-Bomaderry, Bombo Quarry and existing centres for 30,000 new homes and more than 45,000 new jobs.

Mr Ward said that a green grid connecting parks, open spaces and bushland with cycleways and pedestrian pathways will make the region’s natural beauty more accessible to residents and visitors.

“The Illawarra Shoalhaven is a dynamic and growing region that had seen off it’s fair share of challenges,” he said.

“Throughout 2020 the Illawarra Shoalhaven community continues to confront one enormous challenge after another, from drought, bushfires and floods, to COVID-19 – but our community is proving we are more than up to the challenge.

“This plan protects our village lifestyle, promotes sensible and sustainable growth, and job opportunities that are vital for the future of our region,” Mr Ward said.

The NSW Minister for Planning and Public Spaces Rob Stokes MP has called for the community to have their say on the plan which contains 30 objectives to guide land use over the next two decades.

“The Illawarra Shoalhaven region has transformed from its industrial and steel-making base into an innovative service, creative and knowledge based economy,” Mr Stokes said.

“This plan is about building on that transformation while preserving that unique rural coastal character that has made the region such an attractive place for people to live, raise a family, visit on holidays, retire and to do business.

“This updated draft plan identifies 15 regionally-significant precincts, including West Lake Illawarra, South Nowra Employment Precinct, Metro Wollongong and Port Kembla that will drive job creation, housing diversity, and vibrant, green, liveable communities.”

Member for the South Coast Shelley Hancock MP said that the plan proposed a new contributions scheme that would support better infrastructure and public spaces. 

“A draft Special Infrastructure Contributions (SIC) scheme has been established to ensure the right infrastructure is in place to support the development of the region’s two priority growth areas of Nowra Bomaderry and West Lake Illawarra,” she said.

“The SIC will ensure the community reaps the benefits of the region’s growth with developers contributing up to $121 million for important upgrades to roads, education and health facilities, emergency services, cycleway networks, public open spaces and biodiversity,” Mrs Hancock said.

To read the draft updated Regional Plan and SIC and have your say, please visit the website at: www.planning.nsw.gov.au/ISRP.