A draft Smart Places Customer Charter has been developed by the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment to guide the creation and management of smart places right across New South Wales.
The charter is one of 14 actions identified in the Smart Places Strategy. It includes a commitment by the NSW Government and its agencies to adhere to the Data Protection Policy and related legislation.
The draft charter aims to reflect customer expectations of smart places and has been co-designed with First Nations peoples, community members and representatives from all levels of government, industry groups, property developers and technology vendors.
The draft charter outlines a set of principles to help smart places connect with the Country where they are located, to make communities more sustainable and resilient, and to produce benefits for people:
When the charter is finalised, those involved in creating and managing smart places will be encouraged to sign up to it and follow the principles, demonstrating that they understand and agree to meet customer expectations.
Download and view the draft Smart Places Customer Charter and draft Smart Places Data Protection Policy documents.
Please provide your feedback via Have your say at https://www.dpie.nsw.gov.au/our-work/strategy-and-reform/smart-places/smart-places-customer-charter