$4 Million Surf Club Fund Opens

Parliamentary Secretary for the Illawarra and South Coast Gareth Ward MP has today announced that local surf life-saving clubs across our region can now apply for funding for infrastructure improvements as part of the $4 million State-wide boost to surf club facilities funding.


Mr Ward said that surf life-saving clubs across NSW are set to benefit from funding which will improve facilities which help save the lives of locals, visitors and tourists.

“Surf life-saving clubs are home base for our tens of thousands of volunteer lifesavers patrolling our beaches, allowing all age groups to learn about and contribute to water safety,” he said.

“We rely on the skill and passion of volunteer surf lifesavers to provide this service and this vital injection of funding will ensure lifesavers have the support they need to do their important work through improving the standard and quality of surf life-saving clubs in NSW,” Mr Ward said.

The NSW Minister for Sport Stuart Ayres said more than $28 million in funding had been allocated in the past decade to make club facilities across NSW safer, accessible and secure.

“Not just an important home base for volunteers patrolling our beaches, surf clubs are hive of community activity, used for training courses, community gatherings and sporting events,” he said.

“From nippers to senior patrollers, members of surf life-saving clubs provide an amazing service to the people of NSW,” Mr Ayres said.

Applications close on Friday 5th October 2018.

Details about applications and eligibility can be found at: www.sport.nsw.gov.au/grants.